How long will we plead, how long will we beg?

How long will we plead, how long will we beg?
How long will the world pretend to be deaf?
To the earnest appeals of saving the soul
Of the girl child—ENOUGH ! NO MORE
No more will we say-“Please! Let her live!’
No more will we beg-“Please let her be born!”
We shall just shake the conscience of men
And question the integrity of one and all.
O mothers! Why have you been
all so weak?
Our Indianness has made you so very
You crumble under pressure and bow to
For your own child , you can’t take a
Absorb all strength from nature and from Gods!
Empower yourself and fight against all odds!
The world knows us as one word ‘WOMEN’
Let’s show to them, ‘WE’ are the real ‘MEN’
If I am strong who will ask me to
The life of my daughter and cut it so short?
If I choose to give birth to my child
And I choose to be firm and not
meek’n’ mild,
How can anyone dare to force me to bow?
Come on let us make the whole world know!
”Play not with our lives , play not with our feelings
We are the better halves, not spineless weaklings”
O fathers wake up now! And change your mind set
Restrictions are good, give them to
sons instead!
Teach them to respect and honor their
The cousins, classmates and their
Be firm and not be gentle, with your strong hold,
The sons would be considerate and daughters would be bold.
The cracks in the society are not caused in a day
We overlook these flaws and let insults sway.
If sons are taught to know the limit of
their words
Then life will smoothly sail ,no girl
will feel so scared.
Let no convict be spared, no law
forgive all those
Who violate dignity of women who bring
them shame and woes
If mothers and fathers join hands to shape character
Of their worthy sons and of their dear daughters,
If we don’t turn our backs and prove tough fighters,
If we raise our voice against every defaulter-
We will not have to hang our heads in
Reading the newspapers will not be a
No GUDIYA will be teased, no NIRBHAYA will then die
No JESSICA will be shot, society will
not cry.