Saturday, June 29, 2013


Just so big is your chaos
So little are my efforts
In this ocean of suffering
So fragile are our oars.

You want us to be righteous,
You want us to be true.
Then why you send us troubles
With each day that is new?

Man is becoming a beast
who lusts like one possessed
A beast that knows just needs
And leaves others oppressed.

 Then where are you my Krishna!
Once Draupadi  you had saved
Why can’t you hear the cries
Of Nirbhayas crushed and raped?

What are you waiting for Krishna?
What keeps you away from action?
Weren’t you the one who told Partha
Act ! delve in no depression!

We are waiting for your chakra,
We are waiting for your mace,
We are waiting for your justice
With our patience ,do keep pace.

Let not all daughters of India
Lose faith and feel orphaned
Give them the divinity of Durga
Let them be more strengthened.

Don’t wait any more O Krishna!
It’s time to right the wrongs
Reply to all our questions
 And answer our true calls  !

and answer our true calls!


Pasted smiles, on painted faces
Expressions controlled, without any traces
Of all the tsunamis stored in her heart
 That’s  a working woman, active and smart.

The babies in cradle tucked away with nannies,
The sons in the creches, daughters with grannies,
Files and folders adorn their brains,
The work clouds and thunders, assignments just rain.

Still with her phone, she holds on to strings
Of lunches and the dinners and missed out springs.
The husbands and bosses have to be kept pleased,
The angst just builds up, not to be released.

The heart is sliced in two, to leave the home behind
The bills and ego Titans, turn her just blind.
The dilemma of being, a woman in this world
Brings her to forked roads, the choices are unfurled.

Because she crossed the threshold, she bears all the pains
The losses can be counted, unlimited are the gains.
So once again she dons, a brave ‘n’shaky smile,
Once again she walks, those tiresome miles.

Endurance and grit give her nourishment
What if life itself, seems a punishment!
The wrinkles shy away, and the will prevails
The indomitable spirit shines and hails.

Pasted smiles, on those painted faces
Expressions controlled, without any traces
Of all the tsunamis stored in the heart
 that’s  a working woman, active and smart.

--Sunita Rajiv

Why this struggle and why this strain?
Why these pangs and why this pain?
Why am I not just able to take?
Things casually that the systems make?

Why am I bogged with so many’ why’s?
Thoughts spark off as meteors in the skies.
Why the spirit revolts and rebels?
Why the urge ‘to create’ often swells?

Why do I seek to cure all the pains?
And am laughed at, for there are no gains.
Why the unrest ,the toss and the turn?
Why in chaos my heart so burns?

Why can’t I sit back and let things be?
Why get bothered and not feel free?
Why the world tells us not to be so?
Why all troubles follow all in a row?

Why did You give me a spirit so strong
That I rush to right all that is wrong?
Why should I strive to be at my best?

Why can’t I rest like all the rest?